This would spell bad news to shareholders in a year when some expect stronger dividend payouts. 当人们期待增加派息时,盈利糟糕对股市而言无疑是个坏消息。
Last year, Chinese banks sold a combined$ 70 billion of shares in a comprehensive effort which included cutting dividend payout ratios ( an average of-200bps to 37% for the five largest banks) and expanding non-lending businesses to become compliant with higher capital requirements. 去年,中国银行业合计售股700亿美元,降低派息率(五大银行平均降低派息率200个基点至37%)并积极发展非贷业务,以便与更高的资本金要求保持一致。
Apple CEO Tim Cook has taken the last half a year to begin to signal a willingness to reverse course on the dividend policy. 过去半年来,苹果首席执行官蒂姆•库克开始公开表态,称苹果愿意改变过去的红利政策。
Those doubting next year's prospects should take comfort in a historically high dividend yield. 那些怀疑明年前景的人,应该从处于历史高位的股息收益率中获得安慰。
Appear on the market when the company announces to go up when year has profit to be able to be carried out for allocate and preparing to give, criterion this stock is called contain right, because of hold this stock enjoys the right of dividend distribution. 当一家上市公司公布上年度有利润可供分配并预备予以实施时,则该只股票就称为含权股,因为持有该只股票就享有分红派息的权利。
Last year, hopes rose that the group was finally considering minority interests, with promises of a dividend boost at Hyundai Motor. 去年,外界曾产生期待:该集团也许终于开始考虑少数股东的利益,承诺现代汽车将增加股息。
In the second half of the year, external demand will gradually weaken and the dividend from the trade surplus will fall. 该社论写道:今年下半年,我国外部需求将渐趋疲软,贸易顺差收入将有所下降。
The empirical evidence not only supports that the stock returns are higher during the dividend tax cut event week, but also suggests that firms paying lower dividends in the year of2002 tend to have higher abnormal stock returns around the dividend tax cut event periods in2003. 实证结果不只证实股票收益在该事件周中变得较高,更显示在2002年付较低股利的公司在2003年的股利税率减免事件期间获得异常高的股票收益。
Stock preferred as to dividends is entitled to receive each year a dividend of specified amount before any dividend is paid on the common stock. 在给普通股支付股利之前,股利优先股每年都能收到一笔特定金额的股利。
If all or any part of the regular dividend on the preferred stock is omitted in a given year, the amount omitted is said to be in arrears and must be paid in a subsequent year before any dividend can be paid on the common stock. 如果在某年优先股的正常股利全部或部分未付,未付金额称为拖欠股利,并需在以后年度支付普通股股利之前优先支付。
Earnings per share fell from RMB 2.61 in 2007 to RMB 0.04 last year, and the company decided to pay no dividend. 每股收益从2007年的2.61元人民币降至0.04元,该公司决定不派发年终股息。
Pru investors, however, have been told that even with existing restrictions, the enlarged Pru in Asia would be able to release to the parent group about$ 1bn per year, which would cover its growth, debt and dividend needs. 不过,保诚投资者获悉,即使存在现有的种种限制,在亚洲扩张的保诚每年仍能够为母公司提供约10亿美元,足以满足其增长、偿债及派息需求。
Study of Ensuring Aircraft's Service Year The first result is the high cash dividend has positive correlations with the listed years, proportion of stated-owned share and the proportion of the floating stock. 飞机服役年限的确定研究结果发现,超能力派现与上市公司的上市年限、国有股比例、流通股比例显著正相关;